Profilo di Lily Bay Boutique

Hello everyone! Welcome to my shop!

My name’s Sara and I’m the owner of Lily Bay Boutique!

Meanwhile you’re surfing among my creations I’ll tell you something about me.

The passion for the handcrafting was born since when I was a child, probably because of the many coloured pencils, markers and papers that surrounded me, all gifts from my parents.

Thanks to the game I developed the passion for the handmade and over the years I’ve grappled myself (not all the experiments were a success) in different fields..I created a patchwork apron, 3d greeting cards, flowers with beads, cross stitch ornaments, fimo jewelry and boxes and finally I stumble into the epoxy resin world. Resin is a fantastic material that makes any embedded in it object glossy, shiny and smooth and preserves its quality almost forever.

What you will find in my shop is a collection of resin earrings, rings and necklaces that I myself would wear.

The majority of my creations are made by embedding a selection of beautiful pictures into the resin, however, you’ll find also some other amazing projects…have fun to discover them in my shop!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me via convo or write me an e mail at lilybayboutique [!at]

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