The Feathered Orchid!

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The Feathered Orchid!
The Feathered Orchid! The Feathered Orchid! The Feathered Orchid! The Feathered Orchid!


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This is a gorgeous piece that can be used for 2 purposes. It has a bootneer build to it, but it looks GORGEOUS in your hair as well! I also make matching corsages, and mens pin on bootneers as well. (without all of the feminine/girly!). This piece is back set by a Cymbidial Orchid brown leaf, for contrast. I added 2 Cymbidial Orchids, and 1 bud, along with some foam balls, that match the piece's colors perfectly. There are some soft and fluffy, light pink, feathers. Then I handmade a bow out of sheer, light pink ribbon, with a silver lining, and continued to wrap the stem with the ribbon. It turned out FABULOUS!! To tie the ribbon to the flowers I added a foam ball to the center of the bow!! I added a alligator clip to the back, to make this piece easy to clip onto anything as an accent! Also don't forget I make 4pc S.C. jewelry sets for a discounted price if you purchase the 4pc jewelry set, and the hair accessory, together as a set!



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Tipo spedizione Spedizione singola Con altro oggetto
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Tipo spedizione Spedizione singola Con altro oggetto
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Informazioni sull'oggetto
Categorie : DonnaAccessoriPer capelli ID: 141903 Visite: 785