Profilo di SimplyStargazersAccessories

A 22yr, and still going career as a floral designer.
That specializes in wedding flowers, and planning, made me curious about the huge crafting world that I dove into head first! I love creating things, and being crafty. From the requests and crazy beautiful things I put together for VERY insistent brides, I had so many friends tell me you should get into this, and other say you should get into that and this. SO, I took their advice and took lots of classes on so many different things, and gained a lot of knowledge on so many different crafty skills! I settled on beading, and wire sculpting/beading jewelry, hair accessories, and Polymer clay making flowers for my hair accessories and jewelry! I hope you enjoy what I have to show you!! I have a "Passion for All Accessories of Fashion!" I also love handcrafted clothing and hair accessories, as well as any others. I love finding the best Etsy stores, E-stores, and small boutiques, to take part in my blogs, to give my "Fabulous Followers" thee Hottest Fashionista' Secret Shopping Spots. Where they can dress like a Celeb, without having to pay like one!! I'm always looking for new blog focuses, so if you're interested in being a focus for one of our blogs.
My name is Dana, and
"Welcome to Simply Stargazers Accessories!"

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