Profilo di Noemy Tools

My adventure began 6 years ago, when I decided to become a Make Up Artist. At that time I was working for a pharmaceutical company but I wasn't very happy. I decided to leave my company because I felt that my way was to be a Make Up Artist.
I started to study as Make Up Artist and after different qualifications I had the chance to work for fashion show such as Pitt and High Fashion Rome . While I was taking those experiences I thought that I could combine make up and women clothes, therefore I enrolled to a sewing course.
Three years ago I opened my shop on Etsy. I had been thinking for days the name for my clothes brand.I wanted a catchy name and I found that "Noemy Tools" was the name I would give for my fashion line .
I can say that I realized my dream because I work as Make Up Artist for an International Brand and I also create and sew women clothes for my shop.
Every time I come up with a new creation I always start from one point: the woman who wears my clothes must feel the most elegant and beautiful woman.I really hope that you can all appreciate how unique are my clothes, please do not hesitate to contact me for any enquiries.
Thank you for the time you spent reading my story

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