Profilo di CriCrea - Creazioni Artigia...

Benvenuti nel mio negozietto!!!
Qui troverete qualcuna delle mie creazioni, che da 10 anni occupano gran parte del mio tempo libero!!!
Adoro creare BIJOUX con cristalli Swarovski, murrine e pietre dure, anche se in realtà il mio primo amore è stato il decoupage in tutte le sue forme. Da qualche anno poi mi diletto anche con il feltro, soprattutto nel periodo natalizio.
Insomma mi piace sperimentare un po' tutto…
Adesso non mi resta che augurarvi buoni acquisti!!!

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Welcome to my shop!
Here you will find some of my creations, which 10 years occupy most of my free time!
I love creating BIJOUX with Swarovski crystals, and semiprecious stones murrine, but really my first love was the decoupage in all its forms. Some years later I'm delighted with the felt, especially at Christmas time.
So I like to experiment a bit 'all ….
Now my only wish you good shopping!

All works contained herein (text, images, banners) are the property of the author and are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0.
This means that you are free to copy, distribute, communicate to the public or publicly display this work under the following conditions:
- Attribution – You must attribute the work to the author,
- Noncommercial – You can not use this work for commercial purpose.
- No Derivative Works – You may not alter or transform, 'build upon.
Any violation of rules s.d. will be prosecuted according to law.

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