Specchietto-Running to the spring-pocket mirror 2.25 inch (5.6cm)

Venduto da Katy and the Cat

Specchietto-Running to the spring-pocket mirror 2.25 inch (5.6cm)
Specchietto-Running to the spring-pocket mirror 2.25 inch (5.6cm) Specchietto-Running to the spring-pocket mirror 2.25 inch (5.6cm)


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This delicious handmade pocket mirror is featuring a detail of my original artwork “running to the spring”.
Believe me,this mirror is truly a real little piece of art!
The mirror is hand pressed and measures 2.25inches,
and comes with an organza bag to keep it safe in your bag. Also it is a wonderful idea for a birthday gift or for any ocasion you like!
Your mirror will travel safely wrapped in a bubble wrap.
For any question,please feel free to contact me.
Thank you,
Snezana Kragulj
Sales of artwork do not transfer copyrights.
© 2009-11 Snezana Kragulj illustrations (Katyandthecat) – All my work is protected by copyright.



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Tipo spedizione Spedizione singola Con altro oggetto
Standard 5,00 € 0,50 €
Tipo spedizione Spedizione singola Con altro oggetto
Standard 5,00 € 1,00 €
Tipo spedizione Spedizione singola Con altro oggetto
Standard 6,00 € 1,00 €
Tipo spedizione Spedizione singola Con altro oggetto
Standard 6,00 € 1,00 €
Informazioni sull'oggetto
Categorie : DonnaAccessoriDa mettere in borsetta ID: 69795 Visite: 1100 Vendite: 1
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