Set of jute hearts handmade with passion

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 Set of jute hearts handmade with passion
 Set of jute hearts handmade with passion  Set of jute hearts handmade with passion  Set of jute hearts handmade with passion  Set of jute hearts handmade with passion  Set of jute hearts handmade with passion


Set of three red jute hearts can become a small valentine gift idea to hang
in the car in the closet or wherever you want or to decorate the Christmas tree.
Each heart is padded with string for hanging.
Each heart measures 3,15" cm 8 wide.
Length 3,15" 8 cm.
Discounts on multiple quantities. Contact me if you need larger quantities.



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Pagamento e Spedizione Metodi di pagamento Payment_type_1_a Payment_type_1_b
Tipo spedizione Spedizione singola Con altro oggetto
Standard 4,00 € 1,00 €
Informazioni sull'oggetto
Categorie : FesteNataleAddobbi ID: 567649 Visite: 923


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