rustic gypsy necklace - her gypsy soul

Venduto da LadyPotteryHandMade

rustic gypsy necklace - her gypsy soul
rustic gypsy necklace - her gypsy soul rustic gypsy necklace - her gypsy soul rustic gypsy necklace - her gypsy soul


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Nice 2 in 1 necklace or bracelet with green silk, metal spiral wire hand made​​, tiger eye stones.
The silk was hand painted with shades of green. Very cute, fashionable and chic!
Beautiful combination of stones of tiger eye with green silk. Delicate,rustic and striking!

This is very well dressed in white, green, black, brown, beige, blue jeans or your imagination to create!



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Pagamento e Spedizione Metodi di pagamento Payment_type_1_a Payment_type_1_b
Tipo spedizione Spedizione singola Con altro oggetto
Standard $3.00 $2.00
Tipo spedizione Spedizione singola Con altro oggetto
Standard $6.50 $4.50
Informazioni sull'oggetto
Categorie : GioielliCollane ID: 83701 Visite: 1240
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