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ORECCHINI pendenti con attacco a bottone bombato grande in ottone diam. 1,5 cm, lungh.tot. 6,2 cm, realizzato con un'insolita pallina in resina nera opaca da 1,2 cm da cui pende uno smaltino bianco e nero in ottone con elefante su pallina da 2,4×2 cm.
Molto originali e spiritosi, nonché come sempre a pezzo unico, questi sono orecchini leggeri da portare con disinvoltura e buonumore in qualsiasi stagione.
VERY UNUSUAL CUTE EARRINGS with large convex 1.5 cm brass button fastener at the lobe, length. 6.2 cm, made with a 1.2 cm opaque black resin bead, from which hangs a black and white brass enameled elephant on a 2.4 × 2 cm flat black and white striped ball.
Very original and witty, as well as unique as always, these are light earrings, which not only recall the world of the circus, but also bring luck with these elephants with their raised trunk.
To be worn with ease and good humor in any season.