No Pictures, Please - four cards

No Pictures, Please - four cards
No Pictures, Please - four cards No Pictures, Please - four cards No Pictures, Please - four cards No Pictures, Please - four cards No Pictures, Please - four cards
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Cuatro tarjetas con sobres en el color de tu gusto (ver foto).

Cada tarjeta mide 7,5×11,5 cm, de papel Epson Matte – heavyweight.
Uso materiales reciclables para empaquetar las tarjetas, pero siempre ensegurando que no se mojan ni se doblan.

El original es una acuarela hecha hace unos años, cuando estaba de vacaciones aquí en España; encontré este gato precioso que le gustaba andar por la terraza!


This listing is for four handfolded notecards, printed on Epson Matte Paper – heavyweight, with envelopes in your choice of colour included (see photo).
Each card measures 7,5×11,5 cm (3×4.5").

The original watercolour was a portrait of a beauty I met on a Spanish holiday a few years back. I'm pretty sure I saw our name on the door, but she walked in and out of it as she pleased. She wasn't really camera-shy at all, but it made for a good title. :)

The cards will be packaged using recycled materials as much as possible, to withstand both water and folding.

Thank you for stopping by! :)


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Pagamento e Spedizione Metodi di pagamento Payment_type_1_a Payment_type_1_b
Tipo spedizione Spedizione singola Con altro oggetto
Standard 1,00 € 0,00 €
Tipo spedizione Spedizione singola Con altro oggetto
Standard 1,00 € 0,00 €
Tipo spedizione Spedizione singola Con altro oggetto
Standard 1,80 € 0,00 €
Informazioni sull'oggetto
Categorie : FesteBiglietti e inviti ID: 68404 Visite: 789 Preferiti: 1
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