* needle felted enchanted forest bookmark adornment

Venduto da LadyPotteryHandMade

* needle felted enchanted forest bookmark adornment
* needle felted enchanted forest bookmark adornment * needle felted enchanted forest bookmark adornment * needle felted enchanted forest bookmark adornment


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  • needle felted enchanted forest bookmark adornment

dreamy enchanted forest fairy flower bookmark needle felted from hand dyed wool. embellished with silk chiffon fabric ribbon, recycled sari silk ribbons and leaves and sparkling berries…

measures ~ 12" /33cm

beautiful adornment or as suggested to me by a wonderful beautiful place customer, a romantic bookmark… or to adorn a special gift..



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Pagamento e Spedizione Metodi di pagamento Payment_type_1_a Payment_type_1_b
Tipo spedizione Spedizione singola Con altro oggetto
Standard $3.00 $3.00
Tipo spedizione Spedizione singola Con altro oggetto
Standard $7.00 $4.00
Informazioni sull'oggetto
Categorie : FesteNatale ID: 102583 Visite: 819
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