Hand Knit - Baby Sweater-Jacket set with Booties-Shoes-Chocholate-Brown 6/9 months

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Hand Knit - Baby Sweater-Jacket set with Booties-Shoes-Chocholate-Brown 6/9 months
Hand Knit - Baby Sweater-Jacket set with Booties-Shoes-Chocholate-Brown 6/9 months Hand Knit - Baby Sweater-Jacket set with Booties-Shoes-Chocholate-Brown 6/9 months Hand Knit - Baby Sweater-Jacket set with Booties-Shoes-Chocholate-Brown 6/9 months Hand Knit - Baby Sweater-Jacket set with Booties-Shoes-Chocholate-Brown 6/9 months Hand Knit - Baby Sweater-Jacket set with Booties-Shoes-Chocholate-Brown 6/9 months
irenevinciguerra irenevinciguerra ...le tue creazioni sono meravigliose.complimenti;

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this is the set with booties and jacket for Your little ones.It could be also very nice gift to give.

The shoes buttons are made with coconut and the jacket ones are wooden.

The chocolate-brown set is for the size 6-9 month but the measures are differend for all babys and it may go well also for younger and older ones :)
Made with prime alpaca wool.Very soft and tender.
You may also order it in different color and size, just write to me message with Your wishes and I make it for You as custom item.

6/9 month

Finished measurements

48 cm

Full length:

Booties – Shoes
To fit foot length:
10-11 cm
4''-4 3/8''



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Tipo spedizione Spedizione singola Con altro oggetto
Standard 5,00 € 3,00 €
Tipo spedizione Spedizione singola Con altro oggetto
Standard 12,00 € 5,00 €
Tipo spedizione Spedizione singola Con altro oggetto
Standard 15,00 € 6,00 €
Tipo spedizione Spedizione singola Con altro oggetto
Standard 18,00 € 7,00 €
Informazioni sull'oggetto
Categorie : BambiniAbbigliamentoBambina ID: 35819 Visite: 820
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