Gesù Divina Misericordia Cristo Dio Salvatore

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Gesù Divina Misericordia Cristo Dio Salvatore
Gesù Divina Misericordia Cristo Dio Salvatore Gesù Divina Misericordia Cristo Dio Salvatore Gesù Divina Misericordia Cristo Dio Salvatore Gesù Divina Misericordia Cristo Dio Salvatore Gesù Divina Misericordia Cristo Dio Salvatore


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It's the wooden peg doll featuring the Divine Mercy of Jesus. It was hand painted with the non-toxic acrylic paints and varnished using the non-toxic water varnish to make it waterproof.

This high quality figurine could be the original children toy or the great gift for various religious celebrations.

"The Divine Mercy image is a depiction of Jesus based on the devotion initiated by Polish Saint Faustina Kowalska.

Jesus is shown in most versions as raising his right hand in blessing, and pointing with his left hand on his chest from which flow forth two rays: one red and one white (translucent). The depictions often contains the message: Jesus, I trust in You! (in Polish: Jezu, ufam Tobie). The rays streaming out have symbolic meaning: red for the blood of Jesus (which is the Life of Souls), and pale for the water (which justify souls) (from St Faustina's Diary – 299). The whole image is symbolic of charity, forgiveness and love of God, referred to as the Fountain of Mercy. According to the diary of St Faustina, the image is based on her 1931 vision of Jesus." – from

The dimensions are: 3,5" tall (8,9 cm) and 1,5" wide (3,8 cm).

The figurine is placed in stylish and original little bag made of linen. It makes the figurine ready to give as a gift.

Since the original painting of The Divine Mercy contains the words "Jezu, Ufam Tobie" in Polish language, I have put them on my figurine unchanged. However, on request I can paint this sentence in Italian: Gesù, confido in te.

On request I can put on the back of figurine the painted name (Gesù, Divina Misericordia), and also the sentence Prega per Noi or any other short text.

If you are looking for the Christian peg doll I don't have currently in my store, please, don't hesitate to ask for the custom order of it. I will be glad to paint any religious peg doll.

This item will be ready to ship within 1 business day.

In case of any questions, please send me e-mail.

Keywords: bambola statuetta figurina tradizionale colorato folk art neonato bambino bimbo compleanno nascita battesimo cresima confermazione nozze matrimonio Natale comunione festa regalo souvenir ricordo pensierino figura Dio decorazione religioso in legno fatto di legno Nostro Signore bianco rosso salvatore suor santa Faustina diario papa Giovanni Paolo corona rosario benedizione



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Informazioni sull'oggetto
Categorie : Per la casa e per teDecorare casaSoprammobili ID: 181687 Visite: 2584