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BRACCIALE elastico per polso piccolo (meno di 18 cm), realizzato con lava semigrezza da 0,8 cm, centrale con mora in radice di turchese diam.1,5 cm, affiancata da 2 lave semigrezze da 1 cm e chips in radice di turchese, minuteria in ottone.
Estivo e sportivissimo, e' un bracciale facile e comodo da portare anche con molti altri.
One-of-a-kind elastic bracelet for small wrists (less than 18 cm), made with 0.8 cm semi-finished true volcano lava, central blackberry-like piece in turquoise root diam.1.5 cm, flanked by 2 semi-rough lava of 1 cm and chips in turquoise root , small brass parts.
Easy to wear and very sporty, it is a comfortable and very original bracelet that is even more exalted when combined with many others.