Hoop earrings with bright red round beads and black Czech crystal

Venduto da Bishú

Hoop earrings with bright red round beads and black Czech crystal
Hoop earrings with bright red round beads and black Czech crystal Hoop earrings with bright red round beads and black Czech crystal Hoop earrings with bright red round beads and black Czech crystal


This lovely earrings have bright red round beads and black Czech crystal wrapped to a black matte hoop 1 1/2 inch (3,80cms) diameter.
Simple and playful.



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Tipo spedizione Spedizione singola Con altro oggetto
Standard 3,00 € 0,00 €
Informazioni sull'oggetto
Categorie : GioielliOrecchini ID: 22367 Visite: 890 Preferiti: 1


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