Somos Adriana y Mamen, dos mujeres decidas a ganarle el pulso a la crisis unidas por el arte, especializadas en el diseño de abanicos. Queremos dar a conocer nuestra singular manera de tratar este soporte tan antiguo como es el abanico, dándole un aire moderno y original. Creando nuevas formas, desestructurando y transformándolo .
Realizamos encargos de todo tipo, abanicos a juego con vestidos de flamencas, abanicos para regalos de bodas, para Novias….
Pensado para mujeres y hombres modernos atrevidos y únicos.
Ideal para regalo
¡Regala una obra de arte, portátil, práctica e irrepetible!
We are Adriana and Mamen, two women decide to gaining the pulse him to the crisis joined by the art, specialized in the design of ranges.
We want to announce our singular way of treating this support as ancient as it is the range, giving him a modern and original air. Creating new forms, desestructurando and transforming it.
We realize orders of all kinds, ranges to game with Flemings' dresses, ranges for gifts of weddings, for Girlfriends….
Thought for women and the modern bold and only men.
Ideal for gift
Give a work of art, portable, practical and unrepeatable